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Apartment Homesteading: Embracing Self-Sufficiency in Urban Living

Discover the Joys of Apartment Homesteading: Cultivating Self-Sufficiency in the Heart of the City.


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Homesteading may seem like an outdated concept, but the truth is that it has been given a new life in recent years, especially in urban areas. Living in an apartment in the city doesn’t have to mean you can’t embrace a self-sufficient lifestyle and reap the benefits of homesteading. We started in our home on our counters and in window sills then expanded to our backyard which was only 600 square feet of usable space, and I have seen others do it in such smaller spaces! With practical tips and creative ideas, you can cultivate a self-sufficient lifestyle, no matter the limitations of your living space. Let's talk about becoming an apartment homesteader!

What is an Apartment Homesteader?

Apartment homesteading is a movement that’s gaining ground in urban areas across the world. It’s a concept that redefines traditional notions of farming and self-reliance. Whether you reside in the heart of the city or on the

A vibrant patio garden filled with lush green plants, colorful flowers, and herbs, showcasing the beauty and potential of apartment homesteading.
Transforming a Tiny Patio into a Lush Garden Oasis!

outskirts, there are viable options for everyone. The goal is to achieve a sense of self-sufficiency by growing your own food, making your own cleaning and hygiene products, and reducing your dependence on the grid.

10 Ideas to incorporate to start your journey to becoming an Apartment Homesteader!

(10 ways that we started out homesteading in a spall space journey!)

Go Crazy with Window Gardens: Utilize the space on your windowsills to grow herbs, vegetables, and fruits.

I'll let you in on a little secret: my journey into indoor gardening didn't begin with a full-blown garden. Nope, I started small—with house plants. Believe it or not, just five years ago, I couldn't keep a single plant alive. But then, four years ago, I dipped my toes into the world of low-maintenance house plants. Three years ago, I took it up a notch and began propagating expensive house plants as well as medicinal plants like aloe and flowers for my own teas and baths. Two years ago, I embraced the magic of window herb gardens, and finally, just a year ago, I planted my very first garden. And guess what? This year, we've expanded even further, growing an array of veggies we love: cucumbers, onions, garlic, turmeric, ginger, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, an assortment of peppers, and more! Oh, and let's not forget the flowers, herbs, and medicinal plants that still grace our space. But here's the thing: when you're starting out, make the most of every available windowsill, sunny corner, and any nook and cranny to grow as much as you possibly can indoors! Trust me, it's a journey worth taking.

Turn a Balcony Into a Jungle of Edibles: Use your balcony to grow potted vegetables, herbs, fruits, and even small trees.

The average balcony is 60 square feet. If you utilize vertical growing on a small balcony you can fit many of your favorite fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers right in your small balcony jungle!

Make Your own Cleaning Supplies: Use natural ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils to create cleaning products that are cheaper, eco-friendlier and safer than commercial products.

Let me tell you about the first big leap we took toward a more natural lifestyle: cleaning products and laundry detergent. Once we discovered the laundry list of chemicals lurking in our everyday cleaners, it became clear that we needed to make a change. Years of battling health issues, coupled with reproductive concerns, served as the catalyst. Rei was struggling with persistent skin problems, and my eczema was flaring up like crazy. As a woman, maintaining optimal hormone levels is crucial, so when I experienced a miscarriage, I attributed it to stress, overwork, and not being in the best shape. But when it happened again, I knew something was seriously amiss. Turns out, my hormone levels were completely out of whack, even though I had been off hormonal birth control for quite some times, had cleaned up my diet and was "doing everything right". (I promise to dive deeper into this topic in another post, sharing the transformative effects we've experienced by making drastic changes to our diet and daily product choices.)

Forget the Clothes Dryer: Invest in a drying rack or clothesline to dry your clothes. It saves money, reduces wear and tear on clothes, and is eco-friendly.

This is one of those transitions that we have not yet done, but are planning to as soon as we transition to a larger space and don't have an HOA to deal with.

Join a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program: Support your local farmers by joining a CSA food program and receive fresh, organic produce every week.

In 2021, we took the plunge and joined our very first local crop share program. It was such a fantastic experience! Every other week, we eagerly awaited the delivery of farm-fresh milk, incredible produce, and even some delightful wine straight from their vineyard. While we still enjoy their wonderful wine and milk, we did pause our produce deliveries for a while. However, lately, we've been discussing the idea of resuming our partnership with them to boost our vegetable intake. You see, their farm grows a variety of veggies that our current garden doesn't cover. It's an excellent way to bring fresh fruits and veggies into our home without breaking the bank, all while lending a helping hand to our local farmers! It's a win-win!

Visit Local Farms and Farmer's Markets: Buy fresh, organic produce from local farmers instead of getting it from your local grocery store.

For over 5 years now, we've been on a mission to fill our plates with the goodness of farm-fresh foods. Even before embarking on our cross-country move, we had already embraced the incredible benefits of farm-to-table options for our family. We made it a point to source almost everything we consumed directly from local farms, with just a few exceptions for dry goods and non-perishables. Let me tell you, this shift in our eating habits has been absolutely transformative! Our gut health, mental well-being, and overall bodily response to the foods we eat have seen remarkable improvements. I cannot stress enough how highly I recommend this approach. In fact, back when I was working with numerous clients as a Success Coach, I always encouraged them to explore the wonders of visiting a local farm for their nourishment when transitioning to a more holistic lifestyle. Trust me, it's a game-changer!

Learn to Preserve Food: By preserving your own food, you can have access to fresh produce year-round.

We're super excited about our upcoming investments: a grain mill and a freeze dryer! These game-changing additions to our homesteading arsenal will take our food preservation game to a whole new level. Beyond canning, vacuum sealing, and storing in Mylar bags, these new tools will open up a world of possibilities for us. We'll be able to store even more of our homegrown goodness! I can't wait to dive into this adventure and share all the details with you. Learning the art of preservation not only allows us to enjoy fresh, flavorful foods year-round but also ensures we can savor our favorite treats without any added ickies.

Learn to Cook From Scratch: Cooking from scratch is not only healthier but also cheaper than buying processed food.

Making the switch to cooking from scratch was a major game-changer for me. Thanks to my grandmother's influence, I've always known that homemade goodies taste a thousand times better. So, as an adult, I've never bothered with brownie mix, cake mix, pancake or waffle mix, or any boxed baking powders from the store. I've always whipped up these delectable treats from scratch because, let's be honest, they're just so much more delicious! And it doesn't stop there—I've also ditched store-bought salad dressings, condiments, seasoning packets, and canned soups. Nope, I make all of these culinary delights from scratch too. Occasionally, we'll splurge on broth, but most of the time, we even make that from scratch. Let me tell you, learning to cook from scratch not only elevates the whole cooking process but also gives you complete control over what goes into your meals. We bake our own bread, craft our own yogurt and even our own butter—you name it! Your body will thank you for taking this approach. Say goodbye to tummy troubles and sluggishness because when you make everything from scratch, you can bid farewell to excessive sodium and pesky additives that wreak havoc on your system. Trust me, your taste buds and your well-being will be forever grateful!

Become a DIY Genius: Learn how to create your own natural, homemade products such as soap, candles, and lotion.

Oh, let me tell you—I am absolutely obsessed with all things DIY! In fact, my love for DIY projects knows no bounds! I could seriously talk your ear off about the wonders of making your own candles, lotions, toothpaste, laundry detergent, body butters, sugar scrubs, and even sugar body wax. Sure, these creations might take a little extra time

A collection of aromatic herbs thriving in planters on a sunny apartment window sill, bringing the joy of homegrown herbs to urban living.
Harvesting Fresh Flavor at Home!

and initial investment (bulk buying, anyone?), but trust me when I say they're worth it. Not only will DIY goodies save you some serious moolah in the long run, but they'll also safeguard your precious health. You see, many store-bought products that we slather onto our bodies (remember, our skin is our largest organ!) are jam-packed with toxic ingredients that wreak havoc on our hormones, pose cancer risks, and goodness knows what else! By taking matters into your own hands and concocting your own magical potions, you'll be putting your health first and waving goodbye to those harmful substances. It's like a little DIY revolution for your well-being!

Repurpose What You Have: Repurpose old items to create something new, such as using an old ladder as a planter.

Ahh, the art of repurposing! It's all about taking those old items you thought were destined for the trash and giving them a brand-new purpose in life. How about transforming that neglected ladder into a stunning planter? Picture it: a rustic ladder adorned with vibrant flowers, adding a touch of whimsy to your garden or balcony. Trust me, the possibilities are endless when it comes to repurposing. You'll not only reduce waste but also infuse your space with unique charm and personality. So, go ahead and let your imagination run wild—turn those everyday cast-offs into extraordinary treasures!

Becoming an apartment homesteader requires determination and a willingness to challenge the status quo. Every small step towards self-sufficiency brings improved health, newfound passions, and endless fun. By using innovative ideas and actionable steps, you can embark on an apartment homesteading journey that promotes self-sufficiency and sustainability. Share your apartment homesteading tips and join the vibrant community of urban homesteaders!


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