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DIY Armpit Detox Guide: Say Goodbye to Odor and Hello to Freshness!

Discover the Benefits of an Armpit Detox: Remove Toxins, Boost Natural Deodorant Effectiveness, and Stay Fresh with Our Simple DIY Recipe!


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If you've recently made the switch to homemade, all-natural deodorant, you might have noticed something funky happening... and I’m not talking about the good kind of funky. Switching from conventional deodorant to natural options can sometimes cause your armpits to go through a "detox" period, where things smell worse before they get better. But don't worry—I've got you covered with my personal DIY armpit detox recipe! Trust me, it’s an absolute game-changer and will help keep everything fresh and clean as you make the switch.

What is an Armpit Detox, and Why Do You Need It?

An armpit detox is exactly what it sounds like—a way to give your pits a little extra TLC by removing the buildup from years of using conventional antiperspirants and deodorants. Antiperspirants often clog the pores with aluminum, which can trap bacteria and toxins under the skin. Switching to natural deodorant means that your armpits finally get a chance to breathe—but as your body adjusts, you might notice more sweating and odor at first.

That's where this detox comes in! By doing an armpit detox, you help speed up the transition process and minimize the stink while your body adjusts to natural deodorant. This detox can also:

  • Increase the effectiveness of natural deodorant

  • Remove buildup from conventional deodorant and antiperspirant

  • Detoxify your body by drawing out toxins

  • Reduce irritation from natural deodorants

  • Eliminate odor (yes, really!)

Why Do Our Armpits Smell During the “Detox” Period?

When you switch from regular deodorant to all-natural, DIY deodorant, your body is essentially re-learning how to sweat without being blocked by chemicals like aluminum. While that sounds good in the long run, your body might

Essential oil in amber jar for armpit detox, perfect for DIY natural deodorant and toxin-free body care, promoting a chemical-free, fresh skincare routine.

freak out a bit in the beginning. Sweat glands start pushing out all the built-up bacteria and toxins, which is why you might smell worse than usual at first. This “detox” phase is temporary, but it can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Don’t panic! It’s totally normal, and my armpit detox recipe will help speed things along.

DIY Armpit Detox Recipe

This is the detox I personally use and recommend to everyone who’s making the switch to natural deodorant. I do it quarterly to keep things fresh, and it’s super simple to make!



  1. In a small glass (or any non-metal bowl), mix the bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil (or honey) using a wooden or bamboo spoon. This is important! Bentonite clay has a negative charge, and using metal can reduce its effectiveness.

  2. Apply the mixture to your clean, dry armpits, making sure to do a patch test first to check for irritation or allergic reactions.

  3. Leave the mixture on for 15-20 minutes, or until it fully dries.

  4. Rinse off with warm water and pat your skin dry.

  5. Repeat this detox 2-3 times a month for the best results!

Why These Ingredients?

Bentonite clay - Bentonite clay is a powerhouse ingredient in any detox, especially for the skin. It's rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron, and has a unique ability to attract and bind to toxins, impurities, and heavy metals. When used in an armpit detox, bentonite clay helps to draw out built-up toxins that have accumulated in your skin due to years of antiperspirant use, which often contains aluminum and other chemicals. Its highly absorbent properties make it excellent for reducing odor by trapping the bacteria that cause it. As the clay dries, it pulls these impurities to the surface of your skin, leaving your underarms cleaner and more refreshed. This deep-cleansing action not only helps your natural deodorant work more effectively, but it also allows your pores to breathe, reducing the likelihood of irritation or clogged sweat glands.

Apple cider vinegar - Apple cider vinegar is a must-have ingredient for detoxing, especially for your skin. It’s packed with natural acids and enzymes that have potent antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. In an armpit detox, ACV works by rebalancing the skin’s pH, which can become disrupted by conventional deodorants and antiperspirants. A balanced pH makes it harder for odor-causing bacteria to thrive, helping to prevent the overgrowth of bacteria that leads to unpleasant smells. Additionally, ACV gently exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells and further preventing bacteria buildup. Its natural astringent qualities also help tighten the skin and close pores, leaving your underarms feeling refreshed and clean. This makes ACV a powerful component for not just detoxing but also ensuring long-term odor control.

All-natural, non-GMO, organic raw cold-pressed coconut oil in a glass jar, perfect for armpit detox and DIY natural deodorant for toxin-free skincare.

Coconut oil or honey - Coconut oil is a deeply moisturizing and soothing ingredient, making it a great choice for sensitive underarm skin, which can easily become irritated—especially when transitioning to natural deodorant. It’s packed with fatty acids like lauric acid, which has strong antimicrobial properties, helping to fight off the bacteria that cause odor. Coconut oil also creates a protective barrier on the skin, locking in moisture while keeping irritants out. This makes it an ideal ingredient for hydrating and healing the skin during the detox process, preventing dryness and discomfort.

If you prefer something gentler or want an alternative to coconut oil, honey is an excellent option. Honey is known for its humectant properties, meaning it helps retain moisture, keeping your skin hydrated and soft. It’s also naturally antibacterial and antimicrobial, helping to cleanse and protect your underarms from odor-causing bacteria. Honey’s soothing properties make it perfect for calming any irritation or redness, while adding an extra layer of hydration. Whether you use coconut oil or honey, both options will leave your skin feeling soft, nourished, and protected during and after the detox process.

5 Additional Tips to Help Reduce Body Odor Naturally

While the detox is a lifesaver, there are a few other things you can do to help reduce body odor and support your body's natural detoxification process:

  1. Drink More Water - Hydration is key! Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins and keeps your body running smoothly, which in turn helps reduce sweat and odor. The cleaner your body is on the inside, the better you’ll smell on the outside.

  2. Eat Clean and Healthy - What you put into your body has a direct impact on how you smell. Eating a clean, balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can help reduce body odor. Foods like garlic, onions, and heavily processed foods may increase the chance of odor, so it’s best to limit those when possible.

  3. Drink Herbal Teas - Herbal teas are a great way to naturally detox your body and support your lymphatic system, which plays a huge role in body odor. My personal favorites for detoxing are dandelion, green tea, and nettle tea. Be sure to check out my post on herbal tea mixtures for more info! Just a quick reminder—always check with your healthcare professional before using herbs, especially if you’re taking medications.

  4. Use Magnesium Spray - Magnesium helps neutralize odor and can be a lifesaver for those tough detox days. Magnesium deficiency can actually make you smell worse, so adding a magnesium spray to your routine can help balance things out. Stay posted for a coming soon post on how to make your own DIY magnesium spray, so be sure to check that out too!

  5. Focus on Lymphatic Drainage - Your lymphatic system helps your body detoxify, and promoting healthy lymphatic drainage can reduce odor. Gentle massages, dry brushing, and staying active all help keep things moving, so your body can flush out toxins more efficiently.

Do Armpit Detoxes Really Work?

In my experience, absolutely! And I’m not the only one—everyone I’ve given this detox recipe to has noticed a big improvement. It helps speed up the adjustment period when switching to natural deodorant, keeps your pits fresh, and gets rid of that uncomfortable buildup from conventional deodorants. Plus, it’s easy to do and uses ingredients you probably already have at home.

A Few Final Tips

While I’m obsessed with this detox, remember that everyone’s body is different. Always patch test before doing the full detox to make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction or irritation. Also, if you have any underlying medical conditions or take medications, make sure to consult with your healthcare professional before trying anything new—especially herbs or DIY remedies. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Stay Tuned For More Tips

There you have it—your guide to fresh, detoxed pits! Give this armpit detox a try, and I promise you’ll feel fresher and cleaner as you transition to natural deodorant. And don’t forget to check out my upcoming posts for more DIY body care tips, like the DIY magnesium spray and herbal tea mixtures. Your body (and your pits) will thank you!

Trust me, once you try this, you’ll never look back!


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